Our digital tools

A public participation platform where Latvian citizens can submit and sign legislative initiatives to improve policy on the national and municipal level.

An instrument of individual engagement for constructive political engagement. The open2vote allows for dialogue between the public and policy makers.

A platform for co-editing law drafts that allows civic organizations to more effectively influence the decisions and bills prepared by the Saeima commissions.
Our projects

Open data for civic participation
The goal of the project is to exchange knowledge and experiences between the NGOs in Sweden, Latvia and Belarus.

CSO participation system
The organization ManaBalss has started the implementation of a nationally significant project “Development of an Automated TSO Participation System”.

Mana Eiropa
The aim of the “dialogue on the future of Europe” was to gather and structure the ideas and proposals of the citizens of Latvia for future Europe.

Open Cities for EU Citizens
In 2021, the Society Integration Fund provides financial support for the implementation of the European Commission-funded project “Open Cities for EU Citizens (OPENCIT)”, within the framework of the Latvian State Budget-funded programs “Co-financing Program”.

Co-deciding Europe: Civic Tech for Good Governance and Active Citizenship (CODE Europe)
CODE Europe is a project about empowering citizens to co-create policies with decision makers through Crowdsourcing.

Open Latvia
Co-creation platform for the development of Latvia's Fifth National Open Government Action Plan 2022-2025. The essence of co-creation is that national and local authorities seek the views of citizens at an early stage in the development of solutions and give the public the opportunity to participate.

Inclusive Europe for mobile EU citizens - MobileCIT
We aim to strengthen instruments for mobile EU citizens and expats to engage in EU political life on an everyday basis.
Ozolciema iela 22 k-1-1, LV-1058, Riga